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Severina Gatiria

Severina Gatiria
Severina Gatiria

Severina Gatiria is 72 years old and a widow. She has eight kids, but unfortunately, two of them passed away earlier in their life. As a young girl, she was never encouraged to go to school, but she now attends adult literacy groups where she’s learned how to read and write. She says she struggles with some health issues and experiences stress with taking care of her young grandchildren who live with her. However, making the baskets brings her hope because she uses the money to support them and pay school fees.

The money she is receiving rids many of her problems and helps take care of all of her needs. She wants you to know that she hopes all your needs are taken care of and she’s very grateful for you.



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Mailing Address

3562 Tally Ho Lane

Madison Wisconsin 53705


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